Those responsible for this unconventional evening are the Düsseldorf duo of choreographers Verena Billinger and Sebastian Schulz. (…) Here we experience various future worlds, ultimately dystopias of a society to come. To begin with the year 2300 on an earth visited by climatic disaster: people have fled to the North away from the heat and the flooding of other continents, particularly to Greenland which now has several million inhabitants. This new green idyll with splendid displays of flowers, roaring waterfalls and birdsong seems to be a genuine paradise. (…) The latter keep fit or continue building their brave new world. Eleven dancers and performers have commandeered the space. Everything is run along ordered lines, until the picture changes. (…) The final section of ‘us hearing voices’ should not be missed. (…) The reconstructed wooden house and the space in front of it, surrounded by hastily erected fences, have now become a parade ground for torture. Rheinische Post

But what kind of people are these? Aren’t some of these creatures wearing rather strange futuristic shirts that seem like exoskeletons? (…) The vast space, easily filled with partly repeated patterns of movement, gigantic paintings and all kinds of furniture, seems this time to materialize Billinger/Schulz’ affinity for empty spaces perfectly. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

When the performers exchanges glances in a corner somewhere, and whisper briefly to each other this only enhances the secretive atmosphere that cloaks this opening. Towards the end the expectations of the viewer have still not really satisfied and yet watching these inconsequential incidents can be very exciting.
(…) We find ourselves somewhere in the infinite universe. (…) Then, on earth, they are brought back to life as human-machine-hybrids. They experience their human bodies, their skin, their sinews, their limbs as an alien and possibly even inhibiting shell.
In the third section a dark dystopia follows. A society after the decay of the social. Ruhrbarone